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Science,迷信 25 AUG 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6660
《迷信》2023年8月25日 ,第381卷,出书6660期
Picoflare jets power the solar wind emerging from a coronal hole on the Sun
▲ 作者:L. P. Chitta, A. N. Zhukov, D. Berghmans, H. Peter, S. Parenti, S. Mandal, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
日冕洞是太阳上磁场线凋谢的地域 ,也是文导太阳风的源头区,但太阳风若何从日冕洞中发生尚不清晰 。迷信
钻研组用太阳轨道航天器上的出书极紫外成像仪审核到了一个日冕洞 ,并发现了多少百公里尺度的周论喷流 ,不断20到100秒,文导速率抵达每一秒约100公里。迷信这些喷流由磁重联驱动 ,出书动能在“皮级耀斑”规模内 。周论喷流是文导间歇性的 ,但在审核到的迷信日冕洞内扩散普遍。
钻研组以为 ,出书这种皮级耀斑喷流可能发生饶富的周论高温等离子体来坚持太阳风,而且太阳风从日冕洞中以小尺度高度间歇性的流出方式泛起。
▲ Abstract:
Coronal holes are areas on the Sun with open magnetic field lines. They are a source region of the solar wind, but how the wind emerges from coronal holes is not known. We observed a coronal hole using the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. We identified jets on scales of a few hundred kilometers, which last 20 to 100 seconds and reach speeds of ~100 kilometers per second. The jets are powered by magnetic reconnection and have kinetic energy in the picoflare range. They are intermittent but widespread within the observed coronal hole. We suggest that such picoflare jets could produce enough high-temperature plasma to sustain the solar wind and that the wind emerges from coronal holes as a highly intermittent outflow at small scales.
质料迷信Materials Science
Pneumatic cells toward absolute Gaussian morphing
▲ 作者 :Tian Gao, José Bico & Beno?t Roman
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▲ 摘要:
尽管具备挨次化面内变形的新兴修筑质料可能实现这种形态修正 ,但需要对于部份笔直妨碍格外操作,以精确调控所天生三维概况的最终形态 。
受票据叶植物叶片中泡状细胞的开辟 ,钻研组揭示了若何妄想平板的外部妄想,以在加压时同时编程笔直以及面内扭曲 ,从而组成目的外壳形态。这些具备可控刚度以及快捷驱动的概况运用破费级质料制作,为大规模变形机械人运用开拓了道路 。
▲ Abstract:
On a flat map of the Earth, continents are inevitably distorted. Reciprocally, curving a plate simultaneously in two directions requires a modification of in-plane distances, as Gauss stated in his seminal theorem. Although emerging architectured materials with progra妹妹ed in-plane distortions are capable of such shape morphing, an additional control of local bending is required to precisely set the final shape of the resulting three-dimensional surface. Inspired by bulliform cells in leaves of monocotyledon plants, we show how the internal structure of flat panels can be designed to program bending and in-plane distortions simultaneously when pressurized, leading to a targeted shell shape. These surfaces with controlled stiffness and fast actuation are manufactured using consumer-grade materials and open a route to large-scale shape-morphing robotics applications.
Ternary NiMo-Bi liquid alloy catalyst for efficient hydrogen production from methane pyrolysis
▲ 作者 :Luning Chen, Zhigang Song, Shuchen Zhang, Chung-Kai Chang, Yu-Chun Chuang, Xinxing Peng, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
甲烷热解(MP)是一种颇具后劲的无二氧化碳制氢技术 ,只发生固体碳副产物。可是,开拓一种高效催化剂来实如今中等温度下的晃动甲烷热解不断极具挑战性。
钻研组提出了一种新型高效催化剂 ,经由削减Mo对于Ni-Bi液态合金妨碍改性来制备三元NiMo-Bi液态合金催化剂(LAC)。
该催化剂展现出至关低的活化能(81.2千焦/摩尔),可在450~800℃温度间实现MP ,制氢功能为每一克镍每一分钟4.05毫升。在800℃下 ,该催化剂展现出100%的H2抉择性以及120小时的晃动性。
▲ Abstract:
Methane pyrolysis (MP) is a potential technology forCO2-free hydrogen production that generates only solid carbon by-products. However, developing a highly efficient catalyst for stable methane pyrolysis at a moderate temperature has been challenging. We present a new and highly efficient catalyst created by modifying a Ni-Bi liquid alloy with the addition of Mo to produce a ternary NiMo-Bi liquid alloy catalyst (LAC). This catalyst exhibited a considerably low activation energy of 81.2 kilojoules per mole, which enabled MP at temperatures between 450 and 800 Celsius and a hydrogen generation efficiency of 4.05 ml per gram of nickel per minute. At 800 Celsius, the catalyst exhibited 100% H2 selectivity and 120 hours of stability.
Aminodealkenylation: Ozonolysis and copper catalysis convert C(sp3)–C(sp2) bonds to C(sp3)–N bonds
氨基脱烯化:臭氧分解以及铜催化将C(sp3) -C (sp2)键转化为C(sp3) -N键
▲ 作者:Zhiqi He, Jose Antonio Moreno, Manisha Swain, Jason Wu & Ohyun Kwon
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▲ 摘要:
烯烃π键胺化已经取患了很大妨碍。比照之下 ,相邻C(sp3) -C (sp2) σ键的相似功能化要少见良多